Cartridge 2 has been released!

After 5 months of working on other projects and scrapping ideas cartridge 2 (Nightmare) has finally been released. After 63 hours of work a new game experience is ready for you all to play and hopefully enjoy!

With many improvements to the graphics and how the game works, development on future cartridges should go much smoother from here with a hopeful schedule of at least one new cartridge a month.

Hoe you all enjoy playing and all feedback is appreciated.

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can you add Korean?

Unfortunately Korean cannot be added at this time due to some problems. I will attempt to fix these problems but a Korean translation will not be available any time soon, Sorry to give this bad news.

How did you add chinese and japanese? You can use machine translator

It is due to issues with displaying the text not translation, It will take more time for me to understand and find a solution so that all text in all supported languages can be displayed correctly in the game, unfortunately at the moment attempting to add support for Korean characters breaks support for Chinese and Japanese.